The Odd Impression

By Naomi Linder

It was a couple of hours after lunch on a hot afternoon, and I was on my way to my highest day of the fall program. That morning we had done training on how to avoid and shut down devil’s rabbits (talkative people that are not interested in the books), and I had been hardcore putting it into practice. It wasn’t that I ever really had a huge problem with them, I was just feeling convicted that day especially that my presentation and interactions needed to be shortened so that I could meet more people. The Lord truly blessed when I listened to His voice, and I had had a powerful morning! The afternoon on the other hand…was going much slower than I was expecting.

I was on a long drop, in a tiny comb, when I saw a cute, little, purple-haired old lady standing on the porch of the house across the street. I knew she was watching me so I walked over to her and began to tell her who I was and what I was doing. We talked for a bit and based on the conversation I was getting the vibe that she wasn’t very interested in Christianity or the Bible, so it came as a major shock when she sat me down and asked for a closer look at Peace Above the Storm! This loud, goofy, eccentric woman who wouldn’t stop talking about her deceased husband (who was 20 years older than her) found an interest in a book all about growing closer to Christ! This blew my mind, but what further blew my mind is God’s clear leading after she had bought a few books, to continue speaking with her and not leave her right way. This was not my regular routine for that day. I was getting the books out, praying, and then leaving to spread the gospel message with as many people as I could, but this was different.

I sat with this sweet, somewhat senile woman, for a little while, as she shared with me stories from her married life and the burdens her heart had been carrying since her husband died. I knew she needed an ear to listen to her, but I didn’t recognize this by my own wisdom; God had given such a special and specific impression to me when I had met this woman. At the end of our conversation, she loaded me up with gifts of her personal artwork and took the address of the school so she could send me more. I stood up to leave, but before I could take a step she put her hand on my hand, looked me in the eye, and told me that I was the friend that she needed. 

This experience taught me that the Holy Spirit is so willing to speak to you and make your paths clear if you just ask him to! I was worried after leaving her house that I had wasted time and that people would be lost because of it, but God made it so clear to me that He truly was the one leading me, as this did end up being my highest day of the program! God uses us weak human beings as vessels to reach His lost, and lonely sheep; what a privilege!

Lois and I are still in contact, texting fairly regularly as she updates me on her family life and her spiritual journey, and I am so blessed to have met such a sweet woman, and so close to the school! I am looking forward to a future visit, so she can tell me more stories about her life, and so that I can try to help her better understand the true character of Jesus.

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