I Need Peace

While canvassing in East Texas, Zipporah knocked at a door and after awhile a lady came out. After the introductory remarks, Zipporah began to tell the lady about Peace Above the Storm (Steps to Christ). "Peace Above the Storm helps you find freedom from worry, guilt, and...", but before the presentation was even finished, the lady interjected, "We were just talking about having freedom from guilt and worry!" At hearing this, Zipporah was surprised-- it was clear that God had led her to this woman. The woman invited her inside and mentioned how she had just lost her job, yet she still wanted to get Peace Above the Storm. The woman and her live-in partner then gave a generous donation. Zipporah tried to give them more books, but they said, "We just need this Peace Above the Storm right now." Zipporah then prayed for the lady to get a new job, and they parted ways knowing that God had just set up a divine appointment! God’s timing is perfect. He hears our heart cries and never ignores His children’s pleas for peace.


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